Lawtech - Software for Professionals
Ultimate Date Calculator


Independent reviewers around the world, such as these, have given Ultimate Date Calculator their highest rating. Here are just some of the awards - no other calculator can claim this.

Ultimate Date Calculator is a heavy-duty date calculator ideally suited for business, government & professional use. With Ultimate Date Calculator you can:

Calculate the interval between two or more dates

Calculate the number of days weeks and years between two dates and store the results. You are given the flexibility of controlling whether the first date and/or the final date should be included in the calculation.

Calculate the days/weeks/years between multiple dates and events.

Calculate the number of days, weeks and years between a series of events and store the results. Dates are automatically sorted into chronological order. You can optionally enter a description for each event, and print a final report.

Use Ultimate Date Calculator to calculate the time since/until any date or event.

Optionally calculate and display the days, weeks, years, time until the next date event, and total the time since a date event.

Use Ultimate Date Calculator to calculate a person's age at each event.

Optionally enter a person's date of birth and calculate and display their age at the time of each event.

Add/subtract days/months/years from a date.

Use the Add/Subtract buttons to add or subtract an exact number of days/months/years relative to a base date.

Create chronologies of events, including across multiple time zones

Sort events into date/time order to calculate and print a detailed chronology of dates and events. You can even collate dates and times which cross different time zones, producing an integrated timeline!.

Create a schedule of recurring dates.

Calculate a calendar of recurring dates such as pay-days, loan repayment dates, electricity due dates or any other recurring calendar dates. Specify the number of days, weeks, months or years to calculate between each date event. You can decide whether to calculate (find) all the matching dates within a date-span (e.g. all pay-days in 2002) or to find a specific number of repeated dates (e.g. 12 x monthly loan repayments).

Consult a perpetual calendar to display a calendar for any date.

Using the perpetual calendar you can display a calendar for any date of any year.

Use Ultimate Date Calculator to document your calculations.

Record notes about your calculations. This means you can store date calculations, chronology etc as well as relevant information in the same file. Rich Text Format allows you to format the notes using different fonts.

Ultimate Date Calculator lets you customise your reports that can be printed or exported.

You have total control over the way individual dates are printed - you can say that a date is "Approximate", "Unknown" etc as well as printing the date in various formats e.g. "12/12/2002" or "Thursday, 12 December 2002" etc.

Save and print your calculations and the events in a chronology.

Save your date calculations so that you can refer to/change them later. Print your date calculations and chronology events in an easy to read report.